
Brandon Sanderson

BRANDON SANDERSON patrí medzi najuznávanejších a najplodnejších autorov fantasy literatúry súčasnosti. Do povedomia širšej verejnosti sa dostal, až keď sa podujal na dopísanie epickej fantasy ságy Roberta Jordana Wheel of Time (Koleso času). Za necelých desať rokov svojej spisovateľskej kariéry má na svojom konte množstvo noviel a 17 románov, z ktorých viac než polovica hrúbkou pripomína skôr tehlu než knihu. Sandersonovou najznámejšou sériou je Mistborn. Doteraz vydal prvú trilógiu pozostávajúcu z kníh Finálna ríša (The Final Empire), Prameň povýšenia (The Well of Ascension) a Hrdina vekov (The Hero of Ages). V pláne má ďalšie dve trilógie z tohto sveta. Okrem toho napísal aj dva samostatné romány Elantris a Vyjednávač (Warbreaker) – ku každému plánuje dopísať dve pokračovania. Po smrti Roberta Jordana si ho vydavateľstvo Tor najalo na dopísanie posledného dielu epickej fantasy ságy Wheel of Time (Koleso času). Materiál v Jordanovej pozostalosti však dokázal Sanderson kompletne spracovať až v troch zväzkoch. Za svoj opus magnum Brandon Sanderson považuje desaťdielnu sériu The Stormlight Archive, z ktorej zatiaľ napísal prvé dva tisícstranové diely: The Way of Kings a Words of Radiance. Do detskej literatúry zabŕdol Sanderson štvordielnou sériou pre desaťročných čitateľov o Alcatrazovi, ktorý má prazvláštny dar rozbíjať všetko naokolo. V roku 2013 prišiel na trh s dvoma tínedžerskými knihami. Ritmatik (The Rithmatist, SLOVART 2014) je prvým dielom zatiaľ plánovanej dilógie, vydanie pokračovania je zatiaľ v nedohľadne. Metalurg (Steelheart, SLOVART 2014) je prvou knihou sci-fi dystopickej trilógie Pomstitelia (Reckoners), v ktorej sa čitatelia dozvedia, ako by vyzeral svet, keby sa k moci dostali tí zlí superhrdinovia. Brandon Sanderson žije s manželkou a troma deťmi v American Fork v štáte Utah. Momentálne pracuje Sanderson na pokračovaní Ritmatika a číta náhľad druhého dielu série Pomstitelia s názvom Pyro (Fireflight ). Najnovšie informácie o jeho plánoch a postupe písania nájdete na www.brandonsanderson.com. 

A Memory Of Light

Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson
Soon to be a major Amazon Prime TV series The final novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of ...
13,95 €
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Memory of Light

Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson
'And it came to pass in those days, as it had come before and would come again, that the ...
26,00 €
Na objednávku

Alcatraz verzus diabolskí knihovníci (Alcatraz verzus diabolskí knihovníci 1)

Brandon Sanderson
Prvý diel dobrodružnej fantasy série od kultového autora! Alcatraz Smedry vyrastá u náhradných ...
13,95 €
Na sklade

Alcatraz verzus rytieri z Krištálie (Alcatraz verzus diabolskí knihovníci 3)

Brandon Sanderson
Alcatraz a dedo Smedry doputovali do Nalhally, jedného zo Slobodných kráľovstiev a domoviny ...
13,95 €
Na sklade

Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians

Brandon Sanderson
Experience the action-packed first book in #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon ...
12,50 €
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Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians

Brandon Sanderson
Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians is the first action-packed fantasy adventure in the Alcatraz ...
22,50 €
Na objednávku

Alloy of Law

Brandon Sanderson
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson, who completed Robert Jordan's ...
20,50 €
11 May 2023 (predobjednávka)

Arcanum Unbounded

Brandon Sanderson
A superb collection of stories and novellas from fantasy's most talented writer, including ...
14,95 €
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Brandon Sandersons White Sand Volume 1

Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin
24,50 €
Na sklade


Brandon Sanderson
They told David it was impossible - that even the Reckoners had never killed a High Epic. Yet, ...
17,50 €
Na objednávku


Brandon Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson presents the third and final book in the Reckoners series: CALAMITY, the ...
13,95 €
Na sklade


Brandon Sanderson
Spensa's life as a Defiant Defense Force pilot has been far from ordinary. She proved herself ...
13,50 €
Na sklade

Dawnshard: A Stormlight Archive novella

Brandon Sanderson
Epic fantasy like no other in the #1 New York Times bestselling Stormlight Archive series, a ...
13,95 €
Na objednávku

Dawnshard: A Stormlight Archive novella (B-format export paperback)

Brandon Sanderson
Epic fantasy like no other in the #1 New York Times bestselling Stormlight Archive series, a ...
11,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

Dawnshard: A Stormlight Archive novella

Brandon Sanderson
When a ghost ship is discovered, its crew presumed dead after trying to reach the ...
12,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní


Brandon Sanderson
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson comes the final book in an epic ...
21,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní


Brandon Sanderson
Three years ago, Lift asked a goddess to stop her from growing older--a wish she believed was ...
13,95 €
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Brandon Sanderson
Elantris is the novel which began Brandon Sanderson's career - and now, to celebrate the 10th ...
13,50 €
Na sklade


Brandon Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson presents the second book in the Reckoners series: Firefight, the sequel to ...
13,95 €
Na sklade

Kadeti (Medzi hviezdami 1)

Brandon Sanderson
Nová epická sci-fi séria od kultového autora o dievčati, ktoré sa túži stať pilotkou vo vojne s ...
14,95 €
Na sklade

Katastrofa (Pomstitelia 3)

Brandon Sanderson
Prečítajte si poslednú knihu postapokalyptickej sci-fi trilógie Pomstitelia od oceňovaného, ...
12,95 €
Na sklade

Kytonici (Medzi hviezdami 3)

Brandon Sanderson
Kniha nominovaná ako Naj YA fantasy & sci-fi v Goodreads Choice Award 2022! Spensa ...
16,95 €
Na sklade

Metalurg (Pomstitelia 1)

Brandon Sanderson
Postapokalyptické sci-fi. Pred desiatimi rokmi sa stala Katastrofa. Nezvratne zmenila našu ...
12,95 €
Na sklade

Mistborn Quartet Boxed Set

Brandon Sanderson
A four book boxed set of the novels making up the second era of the Mistborn series, from ...
49,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

Mistborn: Secret History

Brandon Sanderson
A superb companion novella set in the Mistborn world, by bestselling author Brandon Sanderson
13,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

Oathbringer Part One

Brandon Sanderson
The epic fantasy series The Stormlight Archive, by international bestseller Brandon Sanderson, ...
14,95 €
Na objednávku

Oathbringer Part Two

Brandon Sanderson
The epic fantasy series The Stormlight Archive, by international bestseller Brandon Sanderson, ...
14,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

Piloti (Medzi hviezdami 2)

Brandon Sanderson
Druhý diel epickej sci-fi série od autora bestsellerov Mistborn a The Stormlight Archive Spensa ...
15,95 €
Na sklade

Pyro (Pomstitelia 2)

Brandon Sanderson
Dlhoočakávané pokračovanie postapokalyptického sci-fi Metalurg zo série Pomstitelia, v ktorom ...
12,95 €
Na sklade

Alcatraz verzus Rád Pisárových kostí (Alcatraz verzus diabolskí knihovníci 2)

Brandon Sanderson
Druhý diel dobrodružnej, uletenej a neuveriteľne vtipnej fantasy od kultového autora Brandona ...
13,95 €
Na sklade

Rhythm of War

Brandon Sanderson
The Stormlight Archive saga continues in Rhythm of War, the eagerly awaited sequel to Brandon ...
29,95 €
Na objednávku

Rhythm of War

Brandon Sanderson
22,95 €
Na objednávku

Rhythm of War Part One

Brandon Sanderson
After forming a coalition of human resistance against the enemy invasion, Dalinar Kholin and ...
13,95 €
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Rhythm of War Part Two

Brandon Sanderson
Dalinar Kholin and his Knights Radiant have spent a year fighting a protracted, brutal war. ...
13,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní


Brandon Sanderson
Z pera majstra svetovej fantasy prichádza príbeh o šestnásťročnom Joelovi, ktorého jediným snom ...
12,95 €
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Shadows of Self

Brandon Sanderson
Fans of Robert Jordan and George RR Martin alike have found a new champion of epic fantasy in ...
16,50 €
Na objednávku

Shadows of Self

Brandon Sanderson
A stunning Mistborn novel from Sunday Times Bestselling author Brandon Sanderson .
13,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

Shadows of Self

Brandon Sanderson
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson, who completed Robert Jordan's ...
20,50 €
11 May 2023 (predobjednávka)


Brandon Sanderson
Spensa's world has been under attack for hundreds of years. An alien race called the Krell ...
15,50 €
november 2018 (predobjednávka)

Skyward (Skyward 1)

Brandon Sanderson
From Brandon Sanderson, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Reckoners series, Words ...
14,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

Skyward Flight

Brandon Sanderson, Janci Patterson
In Sunreach, after a planet-destroying Delver suddenly appears in the sky of Detritus and ...
15,95 €
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Brandon Sanderson
The sequel to the New York Times bestseller Skyward! From the #1 New York Times bestselling ...
13,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

Starsight (Skyward 2)

Brandon Sanderson
All her life, Spensa has dreamed of becoming a pilot. Of proving she's a hero like her father. ...
18,95 €
Na objednávku


Brandon Sanderson
The first book in a new, action-packed thrill ride of a series, from the No.1 NEW YORK TIMES ...
12,95 €
Na objednávku

The Bands of Mourning

Brandon Sanderson
A brand new Mistborn story from an exceptionally commercial novelist; fantasy with a steampunk ...
13,95 €
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The Bands of Mourning

Brandon Sanderson
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson, who completed Robert Jordan's ...
20,50 €
11 May 2023 (predobjednávka)

Emperors Soul

Brandon Sanderson
A superb stand-alone novella from acclaimed author Brandon Sanderson, available as a hardback ...
12,95 €
Na objednávku

The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England

Brandon Sanderson
#1 New York Times Bestselling author Brandon Sanderson meshes Jason Bourne, epic fantasy, and ...
21,95 €
Na sklade

The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England

Brandon Sanderson
A man awakes in a clearing in what appears to be medieval England with no memory of who he is, ...
13,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

The Gathering Storm

Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson
Soon to be a major Amazon Prime TV series The twelfth novel in the Wheel of Time series - one ...
13,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

The Lost Metal

Brandon Sanderson
Return to #1 New York Times bestseller Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn world of Scadrial as its ...
14,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

The Stormlight Archive Boxed Set 2 : Part Two

Brandon Sanderson
A two-book boxed set containing volumes three and four of the acclaimed Stormlight Archive ...
31,95 €
12 Sep 2024 (predobjednávka)

The Sunlit Man

Brandon Sanderson
Years ago he had comrades in arms and a cause to believe in, but now the man who calls himself ...
21,95 €
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The Way of Kings

Brandon Sanderson
'I loved this book. What else is there to say?' Patrick RothfussAccording to mythology ...
16,95 €
14.03.2024 (predobjednávka)

Way of Kings 1

Brandon Sanderson
The brand new epic fantasy series from international bestseller Brandon Sanderson. Released in ...
13,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

Way of Kings 2

Brandon Sanderson
The brand new epic fantasy series from international bestseller Brandon Sanderson. Released in ...
13,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

Towers Of Midnight

Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson
Soon to be a major Amazon Prime TV series The thirteenth novel in the Wheel of Time series - ...
13,95 €
Na sklade

Tress of the Emerald Sea

Brandon Sanderson
#1 New York Times Bestselling author Brandon Sanderson brings us deeper into the Cosmere ...
26,95 €
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Tress of the Emerald Sea

Brandon Sanderson
#1 New York Times Bestselling author Brandon Sanderson brings us deeper into the Cosmere ...
13,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

Wind and Truth

Brandon Sanderson
The long-awaited explosive climax to the first arc of the Number One New York Times bestselling ...
38,95 €
6 Dec 2024 (predobjednávka)

Wind and Truth

Brandon Sanderson
The long-awaited explosive climax to the first arc of the Number One New York Times bestselling ...
23,95 €
6 Dec 2024 (predobjednávka)

Words of Radiance Part One

Brandon Sanderson
The epic fantasy series The Stormlight Archive, by international bestseller Brandon Sanderson, ...
14,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

Words of Radiance Part Two

Brandon Sanderson
The epic fantasy series The Stormlight Archive, by international bestseller Brandon Sanderson, ...
13,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní

Yumi and the Nightmare Painter

Brandon Sanderson
'This was utterly brilliant and satisfying. Yumi and the Nightmare Painter will be the best of ...
21,95 €
Dodanie do 21 dní
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